Saturday, February 20, 2010

Exam #1 - Intro, Ch. 1 & Ch. 2

On Thursday, we had our first mid-term exam for MGSC 300. I spent quite a few hours studying for the exam and making sure I understood all the powerpoint notes and case studies, and skimming through the textbook to elaborate more on details I wasn't sure about. I thought the exam was pretty easy because the questions were pretty basic and easy to understand. There were one or two T/F questions and multiple choice questions that I wasn't completely sure about because a few of the answers seemed right, and I spent a lot of time trying to decide between them. There was one multiple choice question that asked what the serious problem with a competitive advantage was, and I couldn't decide between the choices. (I later found the discussion about competitive advantage in our textbook, and saw the answer was All of the Above - which I got wrong). The short answer questions were very simple, so I wish I had remembered more details and examples to put into my answer instead of just the definition.

Professor Tuggle already posted our grades on Blackboard, and I saw I got a 96%, so I'm happy with my grade. I think for the next exam, I will spend more time making sure I really understand all of the concepts because I know this unit will be a lot more technical and difficult to just memorize definitions without understanding. Also, I will spend more time reading through the book in case we get a few questions where the answers are actually IN the book - so hopefully I will get them right next time.

Please see post below for my blog on Ch. 3 from our Tuesday night class.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer:

    The exam WAS easy...mainly, it (and my other exams) are straightforward, as long as you stay abreast of the material....I know it can sometimes be boring, but force yourself....

