Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ch. 4 - Application Software

Tonight, we learned about SaaS (Software-As-A-Service), which is the way in which companies lease its software. For example, Chapman contracts with Gmail to provide an e-mail service for students - this e-mail is a SaaS. However, Chapman's website software is owned by Chapman and cannot be modified or changed by anyone besides Chapman because the website is mission critical - Chapman needs the website to be properly functioning in order to provide information to prospective and current students, staff and faculty.

Software is defined as, "the detailed instructions to control behavior of computer and its peripherals." A program is the set of instructions to the computer, and it has three critical features: (1) must be in primary storage, (2) instructions must be processed one at a time, and (3) only understands binary code.

There are two different types of software: Application Software, which is the stuff that we (as end users) use, and System Software, which controls the computer and its resources and is primarily used by IT specialists. It was interesting to learn the technical names for the different types of softwares, such as Custom vs. COTS, Software Suites vs. Integrated Packages, and Groupware vs. Cloud Computing. I'm really enjoying learning this unit and I didn't find today's lecture difficult to understand at all, but I'm guessing Section II will be more challenging.

Please see post below for my blog on Ch. 3 from our Tuesday night class.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer:

    Yes, unfortunately, understanding system software is more difficult for students. Most have lots of experience with application software programs, but close to little experience peeking under the hood of the machine to learn about the systems programs that make everything work as desired....

