Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Exam #2 - Ch. 3, 4 & 5

Last night, we had our second midterm exam. I spent more time studying for this exam than the last one, but I still found it more difficult than the first exam. While I was studying, I realized that this unit was more difficult than last unit because we learned a lot of technical terms about hardware and software. On the exam, the questions were basic, but I struggled to remember a lot of what I studied because I realized I hadn't completely "understood" what I studied, unlike in the first exam. Instead, I focused on memorizing definitions, so when the time came to write down what I remembered, it wasn't as easy. Still, I think it went alright. I wish I had studied RAID farms more, as well as grid computing. There were also a few T/F questions that I wasn't sure of.

Last week, we also had our fist Access Demo. I have already used Access in ACTG 439, but it was really nice to go through the program slowly and review what I learned. I also learned some new things, like how fields can be Indexed or Required, and how to alter some of the properties of each field. I already worked on the homework assignment, and I found it easy and quick. I am looking forward to our next Access Demo tomorrow night!

1 comment:

  1. Jenn:

    You did just fine on the exam.

    Glad to learn you are enjoying Access....

